5 years of marriage: celebrating a wood anniversary
Wondering what a 5-year wedding anniversary is traditionally known as?
Well, it’s a wood anniversary.
5 years of marriage is an important milestone for a couple: it’s more than enough time to start building a family and take stock of the marriage. That’s why a wood anniversary deserves to be properly celebrated!
Think about it: 5 years have passed from that special day when the couple promised eternal love – you might even have been there to share the joy. Time has flown by, but so many things have happened in the meantime!
5 years of sharing, tolerance and enthusiasm.
What can you get up to in five years? Quite a lot, actually. Which is why it’s a perfect opportunity to celebrate such an important milestone with the couple, maybe even giving them a nice gift at a party organised for them. It doesn’t matter if the spouses invite you to their party or you throw it yourself, the important thing is the enthusiasm to merrily share such a beautiful moment together.

You can bring videos, pictures and funny anecdotes about the couple to share with everyone. And the icing on the cake for a memorable celebration is a personalised gift.
Occasions like this have real symbolic meaning, hence the proper way to celebrate them is a customised gift with strong emotional value. We’ve put together some suggestions below for a present worthy of their wood anniversary.
Wood anniversary presents: gift suggestions to celebrate the first 5 years of marriage
Here’s some examples of printable materials and products we can turn into perfect gifts for the spouses to celebrate the first 5 years of their marriage:
5 years of marriage: their best picture as a framed canvas print
Are you looking for a perfect present to celebrate their first 5 years of marriage? What about a canvas print?
A canvas print is an original gift for celebrating a wood anniversary. After 5 years, the spouses will certainly have collected a lot of memories and experiences with friends and family, so what better time to relive some of the tenderest, funniest and most thrilling moments together. Birthdays, babies and new pets, but also new jobs and experiences. All these events in the life of the spouses are a potential source for a photo to print on canvas, as long as it really means something to the couple.

Looking for and selecting the pictures will take some time, but it will be satisfying, too. It’s better if you do it together with the couple’s friends and family. It’s exciting when someone spots the perfect picture!
But the greatest satisfaction will come when you present the canvas print to the spouses. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: seeing their emotional reaction to the memories you selected for the canvas print that will adorn their wall. This is what a canvas print is for and what makes it so special: the everlasting emotions it stirs in the couple.
Try to picture the moment: you’re all there with the spouses, after someone has told a funny anecdote, a friend comes in with a bulky package the shape of a painting under his arms. Everyone will wonder: What’s in it? Is it a painting? What’s it of? Then the couple will open the box and the canvas print will work its magic: everyone will admire this intriguing gift, the best present to celebrate the your friends’ wood anniversary.
Wood anniversary presents: a special cushion with a special message for their first 5 years of marriage
Are you looking for a tender present to celebrate your friends’ wood anniversary?
Try a customised cushion!
You know what? There’s no tenderer present than a cushion with a personalised print!
This cushion can be placed on the sofa for a relaxing night watching TV or reading a book, or maybe in the bedroom, for a good night’s sleep. In both cases, a soft cushion with their fondest memory printed on it, perhaps accompanied by a special message, is bound to be appreciated.
After you surprise party, or maybe after a hard day’s work, the spouses get back home. It’s been a hectic day and all they want is a night of well-deserved sleep. While they talk about what happened during the day, between a cuddle and a yawn, their eyes fall on an object they love: the personalised cushion you gave them.
All of a sudden, they no longer feel tired. It doesn’t matter how trying their day has been, how many setbacks there were, as soon as they see the cushion with their fondest memories printed on it and a special message from you, they’ll relive that moment – maybe their wedding, maybe the party for their wood anniversary – with a smile. This is one of the secrets of our personalised cushion: it always brings positivity to its recipients.

Of course, if you want to set their hearts racing, it’s important to carefully select the picture and the message to print on the cushion celebrating their wooden anniversary. It could be a shot of them in all their glory after the ceremony, or a close-up of the couple hand in hand, rings on their fingers, maybe accompanied by a quote from their favourite movie, book or song. It’s all about the details!
Choose the photo or message to print on a personalised cushion, then upload it, check the print preview and order your wood wedding anniversary present! A personalised cushion will bring back happy memories of that special day, the guests who shared it with them, and, of course, the people who gave them such a thoughtful and original present.
Wood anniversary presents: a customised print on aluminium
A picture should be like the memory it portrays: vivid, detailed, unforgettable.
That’s exactly what you get if you print a photo of the couple on aluminium!
Celebrating their wood anniversary with an aluminium print is a touch of class!
Printing a picture on aluminium gives high-quality results. It catches the eye and is solid to the touch: certainly not the average picture you hang on your wall.

A premium material, it always shines and stands the test of time. Pictures of their fondest memories accompanied by a special message will make this present truly meaningful to the spouses. Our personalised aluminium print is a high-end item full of emotional, symbolic and decorative value to be given pride of place in the couple’s home.
Our custom aluminium print is the perfect gift for your friends’ wood anniversary, evoking fond memories with modern style. A special item that will last forever, it will allow the couple to relive the best memories of their first 5 years of marriage.
Wood anniversary: find the best customisable gifts on the Gifta website
Want more ideas to surprise friends celebrating their wood anniversary?
You’re in the right place! Visit our Gifta site and discover many more ways to surprise them with customised presents of every kind. If the gift you’re looking for is not among our suggestions, all you have to do us browse our website to find the one perfect for you. Choose the material you prefer, upload the photo and the message, check the preview and hit the print button: the perfect present is served, courtesy of Gifta!