Gift ideas for her

A wide selection of gift ideas for her. Lots of items that can be customised with your best photos for your girlfriend, mum or sister. Mugs, cushions, photo prints and much more. Get your gift delivered directly to your door in just a few clicks!

Gift ideas for her

The most appreciated gifts are those that touch the heart. That's why, at Gifta, we have selected the best gift ideas for her, which can all be personalised with your photos. You can create a meaningful custom gift for her that will surprise and delight her. Choose your favourite item and make it special in just a few clicks! Enjoy fast home delivery. Loads of original gifts for your girlfriend, your mum or your sister, ready to be wrapped.

Birthday gifts for her

Do your best to surprise her on her birthday this year! You won't need to spend a fortune in the process. At Gifta, we have a wide selection of cheap gift ideas for her that are sure to be a hit. You can print one of your photos on a personalised mug or custom cushion so that she can enjoy the memories while she relaxes. Or you could create some beautiful wall decor in a variety of different materials: aluminium, acrylic or Foamex. The print is always of the highest quality.

Original anniversary gifts for her

Are you about to celebrate another year together? Then you need the perfect gift idea for your girlfriend. We recommend taking a look at our wall décor, which is ideal for filling your spaces with memories: Aluminium photos, Plexiglas photos or Foamex photos for original and modern photo prints. And for a special "painting effect", we recommend the canvas print. Take a look!

Valentine's Day gift ideas for her

You should show her your love every day but you can be really original this Valentine's Day. For the lady in your life, you can create a unique and unexpected gift. For example, you can print a photo on a personalised cushion or mug, which is sure to become her favourite. We offer these and many more customisable photo gifts. Find your favourite!

Gift ideas for mum

Are you looking for the ideal gift for Mother's Day or your mum's birthday? Bring your best memories together to life and surprise her with a personalised gift for her. Choose elegant wall decor or beautiful photo gifts! When words aren't enough to thank her, use images.

Gift ideas for sisters

What do you give a girl who already has it all? That's a question that's not always easy to answer. But at Gifta, we try by continually updating our catalogue with loads of gift ideas for her. For your sister's birthday this year, choose an original gift to show her you love her in a memorable way.